The layout design of a land reclamation scheme is a combination of reclamation works, sand compaction and coastal protection of the reclaimed land. With growing economies and increasingly congested cities, land reclamation schemes provide high-value development areas at preferred locations. Land reclamation schemes are designed to withstand the largest storms and minimize flood risk for the reclamation area and the city behind it.
In land reclamation design, the following elements are considered:
• Soil investigation and geotechnical assessment with optional soil improvement
• Reclamation and compaction methodologies
• Layout and structural design of reclamation scheme and coastal protection
• Drainage of site and hinterland
• Environmental impact assessment
CDR can provide services for feasibility studies, ambient and extreme hydraulic conditions, layout and structural design, construction methodologies, soil improvement and sand compaction, design optimization, tender documentation, project management and supervision.
CDR staff are currently performing a large land reclamation project in Sri Lanka. We provide highly accurate modelling studies, comprehensive project management with a flexible approach to the client and experienced design experts for cost-effective design optimization.